Let me tell you a little about this amazing story, mom and dad came to the studio after scheduling baby Faith's newborn photos, the moment they arrived I could see there was something special about this baby girl, let me explain, all parents are in love with their babies, but there was more I could feel (I am a very perceptive person)
I asked what her name was and if there was something I needed to know about her before starting the session, as I do with all babies that come to the studio, (that is so I can be prepared in the best way for your baby), and there it was, they said "Faith is our rainbow baby" I was so happy for them, but that was not all!
"Faith is not only our Rainbow baby, but she is not a typical baby birth story either. We were on our way to the Hospital (ready to give birth), on the phone with dispatch to get an escort. The hospital knew we were on our way but we didn't quite make it to the hospital, we had her in the front seat of our Dodge pickup on the outskirts of Mandan ND! and 5 minutes after I had her, the Highway Patrol came and did the best of what he could before the ambulance came 10 minutes after he showed up. Mommy and Faith rode in the ambulance to the hospital and got a standing ovation from the hospital staff and nurses. Short version: Not only is Faith our Rainbow baby, but she was also born in the front seat of a Pickup"
I had to ask her to write their story to share with you! it is so beautiful and for sure this little one has a lot more miracles to perform for our world!
Karolina Lym Dickinson ND Newborn Photographer